Unique Content Writing for More Engaging Websites

We offer professional copywriting services for producing content that drives traffic with engaging copy across a wide range of blog formats.

Fantastic Blog Content From Expert Writers

Blog writing services from The Marketing Project provide a wonderful opportunity for businesses of all sizes to acquire blog content written by experts.

Our service includes research, outlining, drafting, content revisions, experienced blog writers, and unique content guaranteed.

Standardized pricing

Our blog writing services are priced per post so there’s no need to calculate “per word” rates. Up to 3 revisions per blog post on every order.

Consistent, fast delivery

Our blog writing services are available 24/7 so there is no need to wait for availability from a writer. Turnaround in 5 days or less (per blog post).

Satisfaction guaranteed

If the content received doesn’t meet your expectations, you can request your money back.

100% money-back guaranteed.

The Benefits Of Blog Content Writing

Drive more traffic to your website

Blogging is one of the most effective ways to drive more traffic to your website. In fact, according to HubSpot, companies that blog get 55% more website visitors than businesses that don't.

If you consistently publish valuable, informative content, you’ll establish your brand as an industry authority, attract your target audience, and encourage them to visit your site.

Don't underestimate the power of blogging to grow your online presence and drive meaningful traffic to your website. Start creating a content strategy today and watch your visitor numbers soar.

Get more leads and make more sales

Blogging is a powerful tool for generating leads and driving sales. According to DemandMetric, B2B marketers that use blogs receive 67% more leads than those that do not. Blogging is also a great facilitator for small businesses, with those that blog generating 126% more leads than those who don't.

The key is to focus on topics that your target audience cares about and provide them with the information they need to make an informed purchasing decision.

Strenghten brand recognition

Consistent blogging allows you to showcase your brand's unique personality and expertise. Each post you publish is an opportunity to reinforce your brand identity and connect with your target audience on a deeper level.

The more often potential customers engage with your brand through your blog, the more familiar and top-of-mind your business will become. In fact, according to a study by the Content Marketing Institute (CMI), 31% of companies say blogs are most effective for building brand awareness.

Strengthening brand recognition should be a top priority for any business looking to stand out in a crowded marketplace.

Build authority in your industry

A thriving blog allows you to position yourself as an industry authority. As you consistently deliver helpful, insightful information, you build trust and credibility with your readers. This can lead to increased brand loyalty, help your business stay top-of-mind, and it can even lead to poaching business from larger, more established competitors.

Educate customers

Educating your customers is no longer a nice-to-have - it's a necessity in today's competitive landscape. If you provide valuable, informative content, you’ll empower your customers to get the most out of your products or services. This approach fosters brand loyalty and reduces the burden on your support team, allowing them to focus on more complex issues.

In fact, according to a report by Intellum, digital-first platforms have proven their worth, enabling companies to grow their educational reach while reducing support costs by 6.1%.

Also, 90% of companies report a positive ROI from customer education. These strategies have significantly increased customer engagement and retention.

The data speaks for itself - investing in customer education is a surefire way to drive business growth and improve the overall customer experience.

Don't get left behind; start implementing these strategies today and watch your company thrive.

Why Choose Us

We are a global company that enables brands to build assets that continuously attract new customers, nurture them, generate more leads, and ultimately make more sales.

Broad Experience

We've worked on over 500 blog posts in both B2C and B2B.

Our experience ranges from cybersecurity to digital marketing and sales.

We Know How To Sell

We've worked on both organic and paid campaigns so we know how to write content that converts.

Content Performance

We have experience in SEO so our content consistently ranks on Google, attracts new leads, and makes more sales.

One-On-One Consultation

We offer one-on-one coaching to provide you with the feedback necessary to create the right type of content.

Our Content Writing Process

The following process outlines what we do as soon as we receive a new order.


We look at your content goals, and the tone of voice we should use. 


We research your blog post(s) and write an outline. Then, we send it over for review.


If you have feedback, we implement it and make the necessary changes. If you don't, we proceed with content drafting.


We write the first draft, making sure we use the tone of voice selected and we keep your content goals in mind.


When we finish, we send you the blog post(s) for review. If there's feedback, we implement it.


We repeat step number five up to three times until your blog post is ready.

They Say

Jonah Lecker

Growth Lead at Queue

"Jonathan is extremely thorough in his work. He’ll take the time to analyze and execute a solution like many do. However, what separates Jonathan from others is his ability to communicate his process and outcomes to others.

The excellent presentations, guides, courses, blogs, and overall content Jonathan has created on a variety of topics (such as content marketing, SEO, social media, etc.) is a testament to his ability to make complex ideas digestible."

Ayelet HaShachar Penrod

Cybersecurity Influencer Marketing Manager at WadiDigital

"Jonathan is a pleasure to work with. He is timely and diligent. He creates processes for new projects to increase efficiency and utilizes technology well for efficient communication given difference in our time zones.

It is evident he is always learning to improve his professional knowledge. I highly recommend working with him!"



This order is per blog post at full price.



What's included

  • Complete research for blog post
  • Outline and review before drafting
  • Content drafting service
  • Up to three blog post revisions per post


How long does it take you to finish each blog post?

Turnaround usually takes around 5 days (per blog post). However, it may take longer depending on how long it takes you to finish providing content revisions and approvals.

What happens if I'm not happy with the content I received?

When you receive your content, you'll have time to review it. And if you are not happy with the content received, we'll go with up to three rounds of revisions.

If you aren't happy with the content received after that, you can request your money back.

I want to order multiple blog posts for my company blog but I want to go over our content goals, what's the best way to do that?

As a part of our order process, when you order large batches of content (ten and over), we jump on a 30-minute call to discuss your content goals, the tone of voice we should use, and other details to be able to complete your order.

Are your witers native English speakers?

Yes and no. We do have native English speakers, however, not all our writers' navite language is English.

Having said that, all our writers have a minimum proficiency level of C1 as per the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR).

So, you can rest assured that you'll receive high-quality.

C1 level means the speaker is able to confidently conduct business at a high level. In other words, it's a higher level of education.

And C2 (the highest level) means the speaker is able to tackle any topic, conduct business at a high level, and speak just like a native would.

Is the content provided AI produced?

Yes and no. AI has become the norm these days for producing content at scale, however, there are many issues with automatically generated content.

We use AI to help us write content faster but we don't use it to automatically generate all content. We use AI as a writing assistant rather than being the actual writer.

We always have an actual person producing content and we have editors review all AI generated content.

Do you offer discounts?

Yes, when you order ten or more blog posts, we automatically apply a 5% discount to the total.

Do you want to learn more about blog writing?

Subscribe to our email news letter and we'll send you tips, guides, and videos showing you how to write blog posts that convert.
