Conversion Rate Calculator

Use this calculator to easily calculate conversion rate, cost per conversion, and cost per visitor.

This calculator is perfect to determine marketing or sales conversions, website visitor conversion rate, and different types of website or app conversion rates.

Conversion Rate: 0%
Cost per Conversion: $0
Cost per Visitor: $0


How many visits did you get?

Determine the number of interactions your ad has and input it in the "visits" field. Our calculator will divide your conversions into this number in order to get your conversion rate.

How many conversions did your ad produce?

Take this number and input in the "conversions" field of the conversion rate calculator. Just be sure to calculate your visits for the same ad!

How much did your ad campaign cost?

Take this number and input in the "Campaign Cost ($)" field of the conversion rate calculator. We'll divide this number by the number of conversions your ad produced to get your campaign cost.

What is Conversion Rate?

As a business owner, you've probably heard the term "conversion rate" thrown around quite a bit. But what exactly does it mean, and why should you care about it?

In simple terms, conversion rate is the percentage of people who take a specific desired action out of the total number of people who had the opportunity to do so.

It’s a key metric across different marketing channels:

  • For ads: The percentage of people who click on your ad and complete a desired action (like making a purchase or filling out a form).
  • For emails: The percentage of recipients who open your email and follow through with your call-to-action.
  • For social media: The percentage of viewers who engage with your post and then follow through to your intended goal.
  • For websites: The percentage of visitors who complete a desired action, such as making a purchase, signing up for a newsletter, or filling out a contact form.

Conversion Rate Formula

Image shows the basic formula for calculating conversion rate expressed as a percentage. Conversion rate = number of conversions divided by the number of ad interactions, times 100.

The basic formula for calculating conversion rate is:

Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Number of Ad Interactions) × 100

For website conversions specifically, the formula becomes:

Conversion Rate = (Number of Conversions / Number of Clicks or Visitors) × 100

Benefits of Using a Free Conversion Rate Calculator

While the formula is straightforward, using a conversion rate calculator can save you time and ensure accuracy. Here's why:

  • Eliminates manual calculation errors
  • Saves time when analyzing multiple campaigns
  • Helps you quickly compare different marketing efforts
  • Makes it easier to track improvements over time
  • Lets you focus on strategy instead of calculations

Why is Conversion Rate Important?

Conversion rates are critical metrics that directly impact your bottom line. Here's why:

Example 1: Online Store

Imagine your online store gets 1,000 visitors per month with a 2% conversion rate, resulting in 20 sales. If you raise your conversion rate to 3%, you'll get 30 sales from the same traffic – a 50% boost in sales without spending more on advertising.

Example 2: Lead Generation

If your lead generation landing page converts at 10% and you increase it to 15%, you'll get 50% more leads from the same marketing budget. This means more potential customers without additional advertising costs.

What Affects Your Conversion Rate?

While many factors influence conversion rates, these five are particularly crucial for small businesses:


Clear, straightforward messaging is essential for high conversion rates. Your audience should quickly understand:

  • What you're offering
  • How it benefits them
  • What action they need to take
  • What happens next

CTAs (Calls to Action)

Your CTAs can make or break your conversion rate. They should be:

  • Clear and action-oriented
  • Visually prominent
  • Relevant to the user's stage in the buying journey
  • Creating a sense of urgency when appropriate


The better you target your audience, the higher your conversion rates will be. Focus on:

  • Understanding your ideal customer
  • Creating content that addresses their specific needs
  • Showing your offers to the right people at the right time
  • Using appropriate platforms where your audience is active


Personalized experiences can significantly boost conversion rates by:

  • Addressing users by name
  • Showing relevant product recommendations
  • Tailoring content based on user behavior
  • Customizing offers based on previous interactions

A/B Testing

Continuous testing is crucial for improving conversion rates:

  • Test one element at a time
  • Run tests long enough to collect significant data
  • Base decisions on results, not assumptions
  • Keep testing, even after finding what works

Ready to Grow Your Business?

At The Marketing Project, we understand the challenges small businesses face in improving their conversion rates. Our specialized services can help you:

  • Create engaging blog content that converts visitors into leads
  • Repurpose your existing content to reach more potential customers
  • Develop targeted content strategies that drive results

Whether you need help with blogging or content repurposing, our team is here to support your growth journey.

Visit our blogging and content repurposing service pages to learn how we can help you create content that improves your conversion rates and grows your business.

About the Author

I've been working in the digital marketing industry since 2014. Some of the areas I excel at include content marketing, blogging, SEO, and creating and implementing marketing strategies. I help businesses build assets that continuously attract and nurture people, and turn them into customers/clients. Want me to help you? Send me an 📧.
