Quora is an excellent platform to connect with your ideal audience due to its millions of active users seeking knowledge, advice, and insights.

While there are many ways to find your audience on Quora, one of the quickest methods is by exploring the platform's topics and analyzing the number of followers they have.

In this blog post, we will explore how to find your addressable audience on Quora through a few key steps.

Whether you are an entrepreneur looking to promote your business or an individual seeking to establish yourself as an authority in your niche, this step-by-step process will tell you if it makes sense to use Quora as a marketing channel for your business.

Let’s get started.


How can I find my audience on Quora?

As I mentioned above, there are many ways to find your audience on Quora. However, one of the quickest ways is to explore the platform's topics and analyze the number of followers.

So that's what we’ll do.

1) Open a Google Sheet

Start by opening a Google Sheet or Excel Sheet and on cell...

  • A1 type, “Topic”
  • B1 type, “Followers”
  • And on C1, type “Link”

You should see something like this:

Open a Google Sheet and on cell A1 type, "Topic, on cell B1 type, "Followers, and on cell C1 type, "Link".

2) Brainstorm your main target keywords

In another spreadsheet or notepad, brainstorm your main keywords. Think of as many variations as you can. They don’t have to be exact matches. For this guide, I will use "plumbing" as an example.

Here's my list:

Brainstorm your main target keywords to come up with a list of Quora topics

3) Head to Quora to search for topics

Head to Quora and type your keywords into the search bar. Then select “Topics” on the left. You’ll see all topics that are an exact match or related to your main keyword.

Head to Quora to search for topics related to your keywords

After that, open all the topics related to your keyword in another tab. You can do this by right-clicking on your mouse and selecting “Open link in new tab”.

4) Open as many related topics as possible

On the topic page, you’ll see a list of related topics on the right. Open as many related topics as possible. These topics should overlap with your business.

For example, since I’m searching for “plumbing”, anything related to plumbing like sinks, toilets, bathrooms, plumbing services, among others, is a good target.

Open related topics on new tabs to have a bigger sample size.

5) Make a list of all your target topics

After you are done, add your topics, number of followers, and the link pointing to the topic page to your spreadsheet.

Make a list of all your target topics to find your addressable market size

Then add up all the followers using the sum formula — =sum(B1:B). In my research, I found 451,224 people interested in plumbing. Having said that, I didn’t do exhausting research but based on that alone, I can see our audience is on Quora.

How do I know if it makes sense to use Quora as a marketing channel for my business?

One thing I like to do is use the 1% rule. What I mean is, if you are happy getting 1% of the entire audience you find per month, Quora is a worthwhile marketing channel for an organic campaign.

In the plumbing example above, 1% would be 4,512 per month. Again, it wasn’t exhaustive research but reaching 4,512 people per month for a plumbing business would likely be worthwhile.

And for a paid campaign, consider the entire audience as your addressable market. If you are happy with the entire addressable market, Quora would likely be an excellent marketing/acquisition channel for your business.


Finding your addressable market on Quora is easy. One of the quickest ways to identify your target audience is by exploring Quora's topics and determining the number of followers for each topic. This will give you an idea of popularity and engagement within specific niches.

If you want to find your audience effectively, narrow down your search by focusing on topics related to your industry. That way, you’ll connect with people who are genuinely interested in your subject matter, products or services.

About the Author

I've been working in the digital marketing industry since 2014. Some of the areas I excel at include content marketing, blogging, SEO, and creating and implementing marketing strategies. I help businesses build assets that continuously attract and nurture people, and turn them into customers/clients. Want me to help you? Send me an 📧.
