I know this isnโ€™t my usual way to start a post but bear with me for a moment.

Itโ€™s a beautiful day outside and you are at home with not much to do. You take your phone out of your pocket and open Facebook.

You immediately begin scrolling down your news feed and you find a post that reads: โ€25 Things only teachers will understand.โ€

You are a teacher or know someone who is a teacher so you tap on the post and begin the quiz.

After a couple of minutes, you realize you are grinning and having a good time. ๐Ÿ™‚

You finish the quiz and before you get to the results page, they ask for your email address to show your results.

Does that sound familiar?

If so, you are not alone. Itโ€™s happened to me many times and Iโ€™m going to teach you how to do the same.


How to use Quizzes for lead generation w/ Interact

As marketers, we are always trying to find the most sustainable strategy/content that yields the best results. Which is why not trying quizzes is a huge mistake.

Quizzes may be what helps you get more sales, and/or give you an edge in your industry.

Consider the following:

Still, did you know quizzes are one of the most underrated marketing strategies? Yet, they yield some of the highest results (social shares and leads generated).

In fact, this is how BuzzFeed built their empire (at least, itโ€™s what took them to the next level).

I know itโ€™s not enough to convince you about their effectiveness so Iโ€™ll show you how to build high-converting quizzes.

What you need to know before you get started

Itโ€™s true that quizzes have the potential to take your business to the next level.

There's one problem, though.

Without a relevant offer, all youโ€™ll have is a huge list of people who arenโ€™t interested in what you have to offer.

So make sure your quiz is as relevant to your product as possible.

How to create a high-converting quiz

I know you may be thinking about social shares and its virality but thatโ€™s not what I mean. I mean a quiz that may be shared fewer times but has a high opt-in rate (itโ€™d be great if you had both, though).

In most cases, high-converting content causes the following:

  • It makes you feel something (awe, laughter, amusement, nostalgia, etc.)
  • It defines who you are.
  • They challenge you to do something.
  • It entertains you and/or brings you value.
  • Itโ€™s a topic you care about.
  • It can help you grow and nourish relationships.

Did you know that in most cases, high-converting content causes people to feel something (awe, laughter, amusement, mostalgia, etc.)?

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This is an example of a viral quiz I found on BuzzSumo

Viral quiz found via BuzzSumo

This quiz by women.com is entertaining, challenging, and it defines who you are. Itโ€™s no wonder it got over 5M shares on Facebook.

Thatโ€™s all nice and good but how do I create my quiz?

Relax, Iโ€™m getting to the good part. ๐Ÿ˜‰

Hereโ€™s a 6-step process for content marketers:

  1. Do some research โ”€ what topics work?
  2. Select a quiz type and title.
  3. Work backward from results โ”€ tie to call to action.
  4. Create your quiz, media, and embed.
  5. Share and promote.
  6. Learn, adapt, and improve.
This image shows the 6-step process you need to follow in order to create a high-converting quiz

How to create a high-converting quiz

Do some research to find topics that work

Before you create your own quiz, go and do research to find out what kind of quizzes are working right now.

Why reinvent the wheel when you can improve it?

Head over to Buzzsumo and type in โ€œQuizโ€ in the search bar. Hereโ€™re some searches you can try:

  • โ€œYour industryโ€ quiz (example: marketing quiz)
  • โ€œYour topicโ€ quiz (example: health quiz)
  • โ€œCompetitorโ€™s domainโ€ quiz (example: buzzfeed.com quiz)
  • search
    โ€œCompetitorโ€™s domainโ€ ? (example playbuzz.com ?)

After that, you should be able to see a list of the most shared quizzes. Identify what kind of quizzes they are and what titles they use.

This image shows the results you get after running a search on Buzzsumo for the query "quiz".

Buzzsumo example - Quiz search

What should my quiz be about?

Answer the following questions and youโ€™ll get a big list of possible targets.

  • What content resonates with your audience?
  • What are the most shared topics?
  • What topics get the most questions?
  • What topics are the most controversial?
  • Are there decisions that people struggle to make?
  • Are there topics that are misunderstood?

Select your title and quiz type

Thereโ€™s more to a quiz than you might think. Did you know that 80% of readers decide whether somethingโ€™s worth checking out or not based on the title?

That means you have to make a great first impression.

Choose a quiz type

The first thing we need to do is to select the type of quiz we want to create. There are two types of quizzes. Graded and outcome quizzes.

Graded quizzes are the ones that have right and wrong answers. Outcome quizzes are the ones which have no right answer, they are more about your own opinion.


Graded quiz: Where in the world can you find a place that seems to defy gravity?

Outcome quiz: What kind of superhero are you?

Choose your title

As I mentioned before, your title is probably the most important part of your quiz. Make sure to select the best one. Have in mind the research you did.

Hereโ€™re some titles for graded quizzes:

  • Are you a _________ expert?
  • Can you pass the _________ test?
  • The worldโ€™s hardest _________ quiz.
  • question
    Are you a true _________ ?

Hereโ€™re some titles for outcome quizzes:

  • Which _________ are you?
  • What _________ do you actually belong in?
  • What kind of _________ are you?

Work backward from results โ”€ tie to call to action

I used to start a new project from the beginning and move to the end but over time I learned something valuable.

Thereโ€™s a better way.

Start from the end and move toward the beginning.

If you start with the final result in mind, it will be much easier to then ask the right questions and develop a process thatโ€™ll take us there.

For instance:

Letโ€™s say you want to create a quiz that will determine what kind of animal youโ€™d be if you died and were reborn. The answers are dog, cat, horse, cow, lion, tiger, etc.

Now that we know the answers, we can think about the questions.

  • What kind of food do they eat?
  • What kind of weather is the habitat where they live?
  • What activities do they usually engage in?
  • search
    What relationships do they have toward other animals?

Now all you have to do is to create the questions youโ€™ll ask your users.

  • What kind of food do you usually eat? (answers: red meat, grains, fish, etc.)
  • What kind of weather do you prefer? (answers: cold, warm, cloudy, hot, rainy, etc.)
  • What activities represent you the best? (answers: reading, exercising, outdoor activities, etc.)
  • search
    When you are in a social setting what do you usually do? (answer: want to get out of there, start conversations, go to a corner and sob, etc.)

After that, you just have to tie each answer to an outcome (animal).

You see how much easier it is?

Create your quiz, media, and embed

The tool I use for my quizzes is Interact but if you already have another tool to help you create them thatโ€™s ok too. If you donโ€™t, I recommend you check Interact out, itโ€™s simple, fast, and reliable.

Hereโ€™s how you create a new quiz with Interact:

Step 1: Click on create a new quiz and select either โ€œtemplateโ€ or โ€œstart from scratchโ€.

Interact Review - New quiz example

If you select โ€œstart from scratchโ€, a new set of options will appear. You can select from assessment, personality, or scored. It depends on the type of quiz you want to create. After that, your canvas will be completely blank.

If you select โ€œtemplateโ€, a new set of options will appear. These options are categories from which you have to select the industry you are in. There are 22 industries in total.

Interact review - Industry selection

Step 2: Select the type of quiz you want to build.

Interact Review - "New quiz from scratch" example

Step 3: Based on the industry(ies) you selected, youโ€™ll be presented with a set of templates you can choose from. Click on the one you like.

Interact review - Template selection

Step 4: Edit the template. There are 3 sections for your content (cover, questions, and answers).

You can also edit branching logic, conversion tracking, branding, and social settings.

  • Branching logic is when you show different questions depending on the answers.
  • Conversion tracking refers to Facebook pixel and Google analytics.
  • Branding is your logo.

And finally, thereโ€™s the section where you enable lead capture and data collection for your quiz.

  • Lead capture is the lead magnet you are going to offer people in exchange for their email address.
  • Data collection are tags for your email targeting and filtering.

Interact review - Edit your template

Step 5: Click on publish.

Step 6: Select how youโ€™d like to promote your quiz.

This image shows the different methods you can use to promote your new quiz

Interact review - Promote your quiz pop-up

Thatโ€™s it.

Your quiz is finished and you can access analytics anytime you want. All you have to do is to click on โ€œanalyticsโ€ on your dashboard and get all the date youโ€™ve collected over time.

This image shows the analytics dashboard you get on Interact

Interact review - Analytics dashboard for polls

If you want to give Interact a try click here to access their site.

Share and promote

Youโ€™ve spent a lot of time creating your quiz and now itโ€™s time for people to take the quiz but how do we do it?

There are many different ways to do it.

Hereโ€™re some basic promotion channels:

  • Facebook - 84% of shares.
  • Website or blog - embed your quiz on your blog.
  • Email or newsletter - if you have an email list or newsletter, share your quiz with them.
  • Twitter - do some twitter outreach.
  • LinkedIn - groups and messages are a great way to start.
  • Forums - find forums in your niche and share your quiz.
  • Communities - communities are groups or hubs where people gather. Share your quizzes there.

Learn, adapt, and improve

Most of the time we donโ€™t get it right the first time which is why data is extremely important. Look at your analytics and look at the following: Views, quiz starts, completions, and leads.

If you have a high number of views but a low number of quiz starts then maybe your title isnโ€™t enticing enough. If that is the case, youโ€™ll have to change it. It could also be the image or call to action.

If your number of quiz starts is high but your completion rate is low then youโ€™ll need to look at your questions. Maybe the question isnโ€™t clear enough, your quiz is too long, or it could be something else.

If your completion rate is high but your leads are low then itโ€™s possible your lead magnet isnโ€™t appealing enough. If thatโ€™s the case, you can change the offer itself or try a different title/call to action.

Below there's a video where you can see the whole process in more detail. Click on the box to reveal the video.

Why Quizzes Are Content Marketingโ€™s Secret Weapon


Quizzes are a great way to engage our audience and to help them learn more effectively. If you want to effectively teach people and also build your email list, then, quizzes are a great way to go.

I've got a couple of question for you:

  • What do you think about quizzes?
  • What quizzes have you taken?

Let me know in the comment section below.

About the Author

I've been working in the digital marketing industry since 2014. Some of the areas I excel at include content marketing, blogging, SEO, and creating and implementing marketing strategies. I help businesses build assets that continuously attract and nurture people, and turn them into customers/clients. Want me to help you? Send me an ๐Ÿ“ง.
