Quora is a powerful platform for knowledge sharing and engagement. Whether you are a business owner, marketer, or simply an individual looking to establish yourself as an expert in your field, understanding how to create SEO optimized answers on Quora can greatly enhance your online presence.

In this blog post, I will provide you with valuable insights into crafting compelling Quora answers.

I will also offer you four ready-to-use templates that will boost your chances of ranking higher on Quora. These templates have been carefully designed to optimize your content for search engines while effectively addressing Quora users’ queries.

So without further ado, let's get started.


The list answer

Image shows a template for creating list Quora answers. It addresses the introduction, main content, and a conclusion.

List answers are answers that contain non-chronological lists like tips, product recommendations, tools, techniques, myths, mistakes, or anything like that.

These types of answers are easy to identify because they always focus on, “Which/What is/are + (optional: superlative) + (adjective or subject) + description?

For example:

  • Which are the best mobile phones for young adults?
  • Which are the most useful tools for fixing leaking pipes?
  • What are the least expensive online security solutions for small businesses?

List answers emphasize three main areas.

  • Introduction
  • Main content
  • Conclusion

Let’s discuss them.

Writing introductions

Your introduction should build trust in as few words as possible.

Here’s how to write an effective introduction:

  • Write like a human. Use simple language to communicate effectively. Write like a normal person speaks.
  • Keep it short. People value their time so use as few sentences as possible. One sentence is better than two so use strong language. Keep things simple and to the point so they can get as much time back as possible.
  • Add a table of contents. Quora does not allow jump links on your answers. However, the purpose of a ToC is to let people know what you are sharing with them. This is perfect for people skimming content and those who want to get a general idea of the entire answer.

Addressing your main content

Your main content should primarily describe what you want your audience to know.

In this case, listicles focus on the product title, a benefit-driven description, and sometimes a pros and cons section. They also focus on who benefits most from using that product or service.

Here’s how to write an effective list of items:

  • Add descriptive titles to catch people’s attention.
  • Number lists where appropriate.
  • Make your pros and cons benefit driven (avoid listing features).
  • Write simple, yet descriptive sentences that describe who would benefit most from using your recommendation or doing what you share.

Writing conclusions

Conclusions are a wonderful way to sum up a key takeaway and recommend additional content. Give one or two final thoughts and keep it short.

The step-by-step answers

Image shows a template for creating step-by-step Quora answers. It addresses the introduction, important information, main content (step-by-step), and a conclusion.

Step-by-step answers are your typical “how to” answers where you run through a series of chronological steps to teach people how to do something.

Step-by-step questions are easy to identify because they always focus on “How do I + (do something)?” Or “How do + (group of people) + (do something)?”

For example:

  • How do I bake a red velvet cake?
  • How do astronauts eat in space?

Step-by-step answers focus on four main areas.

  • Introduction
  • Important information
  • Step-by-step process
  • Conclusion

Let’s go over them.

Writing your step-by-step introduction

An introduction to a step-by-step answer should ideally address a problem your audience wants to solve, the introduction of a solution, and some proof showing it actually works.

Highlighting important information

Highlighting key information before you get into the meat of the content is essential to letting people know what they need to consider before getting started. It is important to keep this section brief, so avoid over-explaining.

Writing your step-by-step process

Your step-by-step process is your main content so ensure you highlight it with bold text. This helps people skimming through content and those who just want to get a general idea of the content before diving in.

Use images so anyone who reads your answer can replicate your instructions and get similar results.

Writing your conclusion

Step-by-step answers are often long so keep your conclusion short and leave relevant links where they can learn more about the topic. This part is perfect for providing links to similar Quora answers you’ve written or your own blog posts.

Expanded definition answers

This image shows a template for creating Expanded Definition Quora answers. It addresses the introduction, main content, and a conclusion.

I learned this concept from Ahrefs and it’s a fantastic way of looking at definition content.

Expanded definition answers are similar to “how to” answers but they focus on giving a general overview of a topic instead of instructions on how to do it.

These types of questions are easy to identify because they always focus on “What is/are ...?"

For example:

  • What are fidget spinners?
  • What is online marketing?
  • What is a database?

Expanded definition answers are easy to write because they have a clearly defined structure. These answers focus on…

  • An introduction
  • Your main content
  • And a conclusion

In other words, you want people to come for a definition and stay for the details.

Writing your definition (introduction)

When writing expanded definition answers, your introduction should be brief and sweet. Focus on defining the concept or acronym and using images or videos to show what you are talking about.

Sharing your main content: Add examples of what you are talking about

Your main content should be practical examples of what you mean.

For example, a while ago, I wrote an answer about ASO (App Store Optimization). I started by defining what ASO was and mentioned how we were doing it.

It was a perfect way of editorially introducing our company without being salesy or spammy. In your case, look for ways to use your products or services as examples to further your definition. Or use real life examples to improve your answers.

I recommend writing an answer outline. It will save you time and help you focus on what’s most crucial to address subtopics.

Writing your conclusion

Writing an effective conclusion is simple. All you have to do is summarize your key learnings and provide links for further reading.

The beginner’s guide type of answer

Image shows a template for creating beginner's guide type of Quora answers. It addresses the introduction, important information, main content, and a conclusion.

A Quora answer aimed at beginners is an educational resource that offers a comprehensive introduction to a topic.

These questions are easy to identify because they focus on “getting started.”

For example:

  • How can I start investing in crypto?
  • How do I start a blog?
  • How do I create a new YouTube channel?

Answers oriented for beginners are a mix of step-by-step answers and expanded definition answers. Meaning, these answers are detailed, teach people things in a logical sequence, and use simple language to avoid confusing people.

Again, since this is like an expanded definition answer, I recommend writing an answer outline. It will make a huge difference in writing useful content for beginners.

Beginner guides are easy to write because they have a very clearly defined structure and use very simple language. These answers focus on…

  • Writing an introduction
  • Your main content
  • And a conclusion

That’s it.

Writing an introduction aimed at beginners

Your introduction should consider your audience. In other words, understand their pain points and lack of knowledge and experience.

Use simple language. Avoid complicated language or complicated jargon.

Writing your main content

Your main content should address questions people often ask and be more detailed than on an expanded definition answer.

Use examples to make it easy to understand, use videos that dive into more detail, and add GIFs to show people processes.

Writing a conclusion for beginners' content

Conclusions should provide encouragement so people feel like they can do it. These people are often motivated to learn so use that to your advantage and encourage them to read more about each topic.

Share links to more resources like blog posts, videos, webinars, etc.


Quora is a powerful platform for knowledge sharing and engagement. If you use the right templates, you’ll improve your answers’ quality and capture readers’ attention.

The four templates I highly recommend are:

1) List answers: This template allows you to present information concisely and well organized. By listing key points or ideas, you can provide valuable insights while keeping your answers easy to read and digest.

2) Step-by-step answers: This template is perfect for guiding readers through a process or explaining how to accomplish a specific task. By breaking down complex concepts into simple steps, you can make your answer more actionable and user-friendly.

3) Expanded definition answers: With this template, you can dive deep into a particular topic or concept. By providing an expanded definition, examples, and further explanations, you can showcase your expertise and provide comprehensive insights for readers.

4) Beginner's guide type of answer: This template is ideal for catering to beginners or individuals seeking a basic understanding of a subject.

In short, if you use these templates for writing Quora answers, you’ll create engaging content that stands out from the crowd.

Remember to tailor each template according to the specific question at hand and deliver valuable insights that resonate with your audience.

About the Author

I've been working in the digital marketing industry since 2014. Some of the areas I excel at include content marketing, blogging, SEO, and creating and implementing marketing strategies. I help businesses build assets that continuously attract and nurture people, and turn them into customers/clients. Want me to help you? Send me an 📧.
