Affiliate marketing has long been recognized as an excellent way to earn passive income. But finding good affiliate marketing platforms can sometimes feel limited. That's why we're here to highlight an untapped opportunity - affiliate marketing on Quora.

Quora is a popular Q&A platform where users seek knowledge and expertise from various communities.

While it's not the first platform you think of for affiliate marketing, we've discovered ways to effectively use it.

In this blog post, we'll look at Quora's affiliate marketing potential. Our goal is to help you maximize your earning potential with strategies, tips, and best practices.

So if you're ready to explore new horizons and tap into an underutilized avenue for affiliate marketing success, let's get started.


What is Quora’s position on affiliate marketing?


“A user should disclose any relevant affiliations explicitly in an answer or in the credential that appears with the answer. Affiliate links are not allowed.

So, if affiliate links are not allowed on the platform, how can we use Quora for affiliate marketing?

It’s simple.

Answers with affiliate links are collapsed or removed. Most of the time, they are collapsed, which means that as long as they aren't deleted, we can promote them.

And that’s the key here.

Organic campaigns with affiliate links are not allowed. But promoting answers with affiliate links is possible.

All you have to do is adhere to their advertising policies and you should be fine.

Having said that, here’s the process I followed when I did my testing.

What do I need to get started?

There aren’t many things you need to start promoting affiliate products. All you need is to ensure your accounts are safe.

Here’s what you will need to do to get this right:

  • A Quora user account that you will use for writing affiliate answers (nothing else).
  • A Quora user account to open an ads account and promote answers.
  • An answer that solves a problem with the product you want to promote.

That’s it.

As you can see, there’s not much you need but you have to ensure you have the right questions and answers for promotion.

How to use Quora promoted answers for affiliate marketing

Promoted Answers are an ad type that allows you to boost the distribution of your answers on Quora.

By promoting an answer, you grant it a wider distribution. This means it can be shown to more people who seek information or solutions related to your affiliate products or services. This increased visibility improves your chances of driving traffic and generating conversions.

To make the most of Quora Promoted Answers for affiliate marketing, it's essential to write compelling and informative answers that resonate with your target audience.

But to do that, you first need to choose a product to promote and the right questions to answer.

1) Choosing the right product for promotion

Affiliate success on Quora depends on choosing the right products. It's crucial to select products that align with your target audience and offer significant commissions.

One of the key factors to consider is product quality. Avoid using products from platforms like ClickBank, JVZoo, or any other random marketplace known for low-quality products.

Choose products with a solid reputation and positive customer feedback.

Remember, choosing the right product for promotion requires careful consideration and research. Focus on quality and stay away from questionable marketplaces.

2) Choose a Quora answer to promote

Choosing the right Quora answer to promote is key to a successful affiliate marketing campaign.

Choosing a Quora answer that caters to the middle and bottom of the funnel is key. These are the stages where prospects are considering their options and are closer to buying.

Consideration questions play a vital role at this stage. These questions address specific concerns or comparisons between different products or services.

If you use these types of questions for promotion, you'll increase sales.

For example, you could choose a question like "Which is the best CRM software for small businesses?"

This question indicates that the user is researching CRM solutions and needs guidance on which CRM to choose.

Remember, promoting answers that address consideration questions allows you to engage with people already interested in your niche.

3) Research your Quora answer

Researching your Quora answer is a crucial step to ensure that your response is...

  • Informative
  • Addresses people's concerns
  • And aligns with your business goals.

One key aspect of the research process is understanding the concerns and questions of Quora users.

If you analyze existing answers and comments, and look at what people are searching for on Google, you'll get an idea of what people are looking for. You can then provide relevant information to help them down the buyer's journey.

Another crucial aspect of researching your Quora answer is creating an answer outline. With an outline, you can cover all the necessary information logically.

An outline acts as a roadmap for writing a well-organized and coherent response that addresses the question at hand.

4) Write your Quora answer

When writing great Quora answers, strategic thinking is key to getting maximum visibility. Quora, as a platform, aims to provide the best answers for information seekers. So, how can you make your answer stand out?

First and foremost, make sure you understand the question being asked.

Take the time to read it carefully and ensure you understand what the user is looking for. This will allow you to provide a targeted and relevant response (see point #3: research).

Then, focus on providing valuable content. Share your knowledge and expertise on the topic in a concise and repeatable way.

Avoid generic or vague answers. Instead, provide specific examples and actionable advice that truly benefits the reader.

Additionally, format your answers so they are easy to read. Use paragraphs or bullet points to break up long blocks of text and make it more visually appealing. This will keep readers engaged and make your answer more accessible.

Lastly, incorporate relevant sources or references where appropriate. If you have statistics or studies that support your answer, include them as evidence to strengthen your credibility.

I have a guide on how to write Quora answers like a pro. Read it if you want more details and examples on how to improve the quality of your answers.

5) Open a Quora profile for affiliate promotion

Opening a Quora profile for affiliate promotion is key because Quora can ban it or delete it at any time without prior notice.

Opening a dedicated Quora profile for affiliate promotion is essential because Quora can ban or delete accounts at any time without prior notice.

This is essentially a "throwaway account" dedicated to affiliate promotion. The idea behind this approach is that if the account gets banned, it won't have a significant impact on your online presence and business.

Having said that, relying on throwaway accounts is not a sustainable long-term strategy. Building a genuine profile to build relationships with the Quora community is much better in the long run.

6) Optimize your profile for affiliate promotion

Profile optimization starts with defining your expertise and interests. Take the time to...

  • Add highlights
  • Write a compelling bio
  • Add accomplishments
  • Add relevant experience
  • And complete your knows about section

This will help Quora understand what topics you know about and ensure your profile appears in relevant search results.

Also, include links to your website or blog where you promote affiliate products.

Lastly, update your profile with new achievements, certifications, or any other relevant information that adds credibility to your expertise.

If you optimize your affiliate profile, you’ll position yourself as an authority in your niche and attract targeted traffic that is more likely to convert into affiliate sales.

7) Publish your Quora answer

After you write your Quora answer, review it for any potential issues or violations of Quora's guidelines. Ensure your answer aligns with the platform's policies to avoid deletion.

We are already infringing on Quora’s Q&A policy so we don’t want to give them any more reasons to delete our content.

If your answer gets deleted, take this as an opportunity to improve your response. Rewrite your answer, addressing any concerns or violations that led to its removal. Make all the necessary changes to improve your content quality and relevance.

Once you successfully publish an answer that complies with Quora's guidelines, save the link to your affiliate answer. This link will be necessary when creating a promoted answers campaign.

8) Open a real Quora profile for your personal use

If you haven't already created a Quora profile, now is the perfect time to do so. Having a Quora account is essential for anyone looking to promote answers on the platform.

This Quora account is for personal use and not for publishing affiliate answers. This account will also be linked to your ads account so you have to ensure it complies with Quora’s ToS.

9) Open a Quora Ads account

Opening a Quora Ads account is easy. All you have to do is:

  • Login to Quora with your main account (not your affiliate profile).
  • Head to and click “Get started”.
Open a Quora ads account by clicking "Get started" at the top right side of the screen or by clicking "Get started" below the title.
  • Complete Quora’s process until you get access to their dashboard.

That’s it.

10) Create an Ad campaign to promote answers

Image showing the Quora Ads dashboard used to create new advertising campaigns.

The next step is to create a strategic ad campaign. Focus on middle-of-the-funnel content and target audiences who are already aware of their needs and actively seek for solutions.

To maximize your ads' impact, create multiple campaigns. This allows you to test different audiences, locations, and types of audience selection.

11) Analyze and optimize your campaign

Creating an effective ad campaign is about experimentation and optimization.

To truly optimize your campaign, continuously refine your approach based on data insights. This could involve adjustments to targeting parameters, ad creatives, or even exploring other ad formats that have shown promising results.

The key here is to never settle. Remember that consumer preferences and market dynamics are constantly changing, so it is crucial to stay agile and adapt accordingly.


Even though there aren't many obvious ways to do affiliate marketing on Quora, we've discovered a way to get the most out of this platform.

If you strategically use Quora's promoted answers, you'll engage people looking for information and recommendations.

This presents an opportunity to promote relevant products and services.

If you want to use Quora for affiliate marketing, make sure your answers address a specific issue.

Track click-through rates, conversions, and cost per acquisition (CPA) to see how your Quora ads are doing. Over time, this will help you refine your strategy and optimize your approach.

It may take some testing and fine-tuning, but Quora can be an excellent affiliate marketing tool.

About the Author

I've been working in the digital marketing industry since 2014. Some of the areas I excel at include content marketing, blogging, SEO, and creating and implementing marketing strategies. I help businesses build assets that continuously attract and nurture people, and turn them into customers/clients. Want me to help you? Send me an 📧.
