If you want to share personal finance tips, travel tips, marketing tips, or even the meaning of life, Quora's got you covered.

But, even though posting answers on Quora is easy, many people have trouble ranking their answers higher.

One of the challenges lies in the fact that Quora doesn't provide much guidance on how to optimize our answers for better visibility.

But don’t worry, with my experience of writing over 2,000 Quora answers for myself and clients, I have cracked the code on how to rank Quora answers.

In this blog post, I will share proven strategies and techniques that will help you increase your answer's visibility and attract more readers.

So if you're tired of seeing your well-thought-out answers buried beneath countless others, join us as we unravel the secrets behind ranking your answers on Quora.

Let’s get started.


What is Quora’s take on ranking answers?

“The more complete and thoughtful your answer is, the more likely it will (1) rank at or near the top of the page and (2) reach lots of readers.” — Quora

More specifically, each answer should…

  • Be clear and easy to read.
  • Answer the question that was asked.
  • Show credibility and factual accuracy.
  • Support your content and arguments with evidence.
  • Provide knowledge that can be re-used by anyone.

What should we do to rank our answers?

We already covered the basics of what we should know to rank our Quora answers high, but how can we actually do it?

Here’s the process I always follow for writing answers:

1) Research your answer

Research your Quora answer using Google's "People also ask" section

Research your Quora answer using Google's "People also ask" section

The first thing I always do is run a Google search to see which articles rank on Google. I also check the “People also ask” section to see what people want to know.

Then I make a list of all topics to know what to cover in my Quora answer.

2) Write an answer outline

After I finish writing my list, I start writing an answer outline.

Having an outline will improve the quality and effectiveness of your response. An answer outline serves as a roadmap, guiding you through the key points and ensuring you address what people actually want to know.

Here's an example of a well-rounded Quora answer:

1. Introduction:

  • Briefly introduce the topic/question at hand.
  • Set the context and explain why it is relevant or important.

2. Main Points:

  • Identify the main points or key aspects of the question.
  • Break down each point into separate paragraphs for clarity.

3. Supporting Evidence/Examples:

  • Provide evidence, data, or real-life examples to support your points.
  • Use credible sources or personal experiences to strengthen your argument.

4. Counter arguments (if applicable):

  • Address any potential counterarguments or opposing viewpoints.
  • Offer a thoughtful rebuttal while maintaining a respectful tone.

5. Conclusion:

  • Summarize your main points concisely.
  • Provide a closing thought or recommendation if appropriate.

Remember, an effective answer outline helps you stay focused on what people want based on their queries.

If you follow a similar structure, you’ll ensure your responses are...

  • Well-organized
  • Informative
  • And valuable to Quora users seeking knowledge and insights.


Each Quora outline is different so avoid thinking this is the only way to write great Quora answers or that you can’t change the outline. Use your own experience, writing style, and research to come up with your own.

3) Write your Quora answer

Use your answer outline to write a high quality Quora answer

After creating your outline, writing your Quora answer should be straightforward. All you have to do is...

  • Follow your outline,
  • Provide tips and examples based on your experience,
  • Add a CTA (call to action),

And you'll be good to go.

4) Analyze your answer ranking

After publishing your answer, Quora will rank your answer based on many factors. Analyze your answer ranking using incognito mode in your browser. Otherwise Quora usually shows you your answer at the top.

Why is my Quora answer still not ranking?

Quora, like Google, uses a mix of profile authority, category authority, content, competition, among other factors to rank answers. So, if your answer isn’t ranking high, you need to work on some of those areas.

The most helpful thing you can do is continue to answer questions. After some time, revisit your answers that aren’t ranking high to see if your rankings have improved. If they didn’t, consider rewriting your answer a bit.

Then re-analyze your results and improve your answer until you rank.


While posting answers on Quora may seem simple, many people struggle with ranking their answers higher. Yet, there are things you can do to increase your answer's visibility and attract more readers.

First, it is crucial that you understand the question being asked before answering. Take the time to read the question carefully and analyze what the asker is looking for. This will enable you to provide a targeted and relevant response that stands out from the rest.

Second, focus on providing valuable and insightful content in your answer. Quora's recommendation system prioritizes informative, well-written, and insightful answers.

If you share your expertise or personal experiences in your answers, you'll improve your chances of ranking higher.

Use formatting tools like bullet points or headings to improve your answer's readability. Breaking down your response into digestible sections improves user experience and signals to Quora's recommendation system that your answer is well-structured and easy to read.

Lastly, promote your answers outside of Quora. Share them on social media platforms or relevant online communities. If you drive traffic to your answer, you'll increase its visibility and attract more readers.

Use these strategies and focus on delivering high-quality content to improve your chances of ranking higher on Quora's answer results page.

Remember to always provide value to readers and showcase your expertise to stand out from the crowd.

About the Author

I've been working in the digital marketing industry since 2014. Some of the areas I excel at include content marketing, blogging, SEO, and creating and implementing marketing strategies. I help businesses build assets that continuously attract and nurture people, and turn them into customers/clients. Want me to help you? Send me an 📧.
